Thursday, November 22, 2012


   I know language is a supportive system of our thoughts. As it is described in the reading, language uses conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures and marks that have been built through ages by human beings. The desire of learning a language must connect by questioning ourselves about: Why do I need to learn a language?, how am I going to use the language I learnt?, what am I going to do next?; this way we can have a general framework about what our purposes and goals are, in terms of practical and efficient use of the target language. There could be many reasons why you want to learn a language; you may be interested in studying, living, travel, or just understanding other’s cultures.
     The reading gave me an idea about the principles about language learning: level, practice, words and grammar, memory importance (MNEMONICS) and culture. We must take into account that learning does not mean isolated words, but how to build up sentences and ideas in order to create and recreate situations.
   When I read the book, I realized that most of our students’ problems and mistakes are due to an early negative contact with the language, I mean, teachers whose pronunciation is not good enough, whose grammar structures are not well consolidated to teach beginner levels.  The perfection and performance are determined by good practices in and outside the classroom.
     So patiently I acquired and I am still learning Spanish, of course I am learning English. I was committed in learning it, as well as our learners should be. A little bit of intrinsic motivation and a great deal of extrinsic one. Learning a language implies lots of work and the more you learn, harder it becomes. It is not something about time; it is something that deals with dedication, persistence, discipline and mental energy.
     Finally, I understand that rule number one to master a language is to get a good dictionary, second: read a lot, third: listen to radio, fourth: talk whenever you have the opportunity (even with yourself), fifth: make every word memorable to you. Do not get frustrated or ashamed when making mistakes, we all experience the same process. You will see that you become more fluent by following these advises.

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